Back in college, around 1989, my mother and step-father received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Not shortly thereafter they received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. With their new found love for the Lord they began ministering the Word of God into my life. With that investment they took the next step and invited me to church. So I drove 45 minutes back home from college to go to church. I was a little apprehensive about being there because growing up we never went to church. Soon my apprehension was dismissed by the overwhelming presence of a Loving God. I can't begin to explain the introduction I had to Father God and his sweet loving Spirit. There was such an overwhelming presence of Love that flooded every fiber of my body. His presence was so strong that my body would begin to shake. Many times I was frozen at my pew. My legs were so heavy and my body was shaking from being in His presence. Most of the time I could not move. Many times they gave an altar call for anyone to come forward to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Week after week I would stand there entranced by the Spirit of God and frozen to the ground with my hands locked to the pew in front of me. The knuckles on my hands would be white from the death grip I had on the pew back in front of me. God's presence was so sweet and I could feel the Love of God course over and through my body. On numerous occasions God would call me out in a service. Men and women of God would say that God was telling them that someone here needed Jesus as their Lord and Savior and that God had a specific plan for that person's life. My legs felt like they were metal and a huge magnet was at the front of the church tugging them to move and come forward. Fear tried to grip me but the Love of God dripped over my whole body. I knew they were talking to me. However, I just could not move. I felt paralyzed. Finally, one service in 1992 the Word of the Lord came forward and my mother, led by the Spirit of God, asked if I wanted to go forward. With a little nudge, literally, my legs released from the floor and I went forward to receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Glory to God. For some that would be it, but it continued. The next phase of God ministering into my life began. As I continued to go to church the Spirit of God would minister to me and wherever I went men and women of God, led by the Spirit of God, would literally call me out in a service. Prophecy and ministry into my life was taking place. In 1993 I was once at a service, sitting in the far back of the church. My mother had gone with my wife forward to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I was sitting there with my step-father and as I turned to him I said, "Watch, he will call me up there!" Sure enough the man of God turned from the front of the church and pointed to me and called me to the front. I was Baptized with the Holy Spirit right there with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Surely that was it? Surely God has done all that He wants to do in my life? Well, a couple of years went by as we moved to another city (Evansville, Indiana). We searched for a church. Finally, in 1997 after seeking God for direction, he led us to our church home. It was only the beginning of things to come. Within one month of being there God led me to play the drums for the church. I had never played before. There were many times when I would be playing the drums during Praise and Worship and the power and presence of God would be so strong that I would fall to the ground right off my drummers seat. Over the years God has ministered in many ways to me and my family. I have grown and have gone from recipient only to available minister for the Lord. I spend time in the word and in prayer with Father God daily. Jesus is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. The plans that I had for myself seemed so big but Father God had such a better plan and purpose for my life. Passions that I had as a child, that were once dismissed as childish dreams by this world, were seeds of my future planted in my spirit by Father God. The Lord has taken me from the milk of the word to the meat of the word over the years. I have been witness to many miracles. I have led people to the Lord (the greatest miracle of them all), in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and healing. I have begun to preach and teach and through my daily communion with the Lord the Holy Spirit has begun to give me revelation concerning God's holy word. There has been a great amount of growth and now the vision the Lord has given me has become more focused. There is a greater hunger for reaching people and discipling believers. The vision the Lord has given has matured and He is bringing all areas together in this last hour. Personal I was attacked with disease and through the power of the Word of God and the laying on of hands I healed and fully restored in a matter of days. God is good and His word is true. He is a faithful God and I am thankful for the relationship I have been privileged to develop with the Father. The Lord, through my growth, has imparted his vision for my life. I have had to learn to relinquish my plans to embrace His vision for my life. I know I am part of the harvesting crew for the end time harvest and the vision and plans he has for me are for a specific purpose. God has and is doing great things in the earth today. I am evidence of that. I hereby testify of the Lord Jesus Christ and glorify His precious name. No matter where you are at, what your background is, or where you come from, Jesus is Lord and salvation is for you. Remember, I did not grow up going to church. I didn't grow up religious. I had heard the name of Jesus but did not know Him personally. I am talking about a real Savior. It took someone to introduce me to Jesus. Someone who personally knew Him. Today I ask you to let me introduce you to the one who truly saves and delivers. He is alive and seated at the right hand of the Father. He is ready to come into your heart and minister life to you this very moment. Young or old, rich or poor, Jesus loves you. I testify that He is real and He cares for you. He has a great plan for your life. It is for good and not for evil. Jesus has increase on His mind and He has everything you need to make your life a success. Heaven and hell are real and today you can make the decision to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior making Heaven your future residence. But salvation goes beyond that. Father God has a purpose for your life. Your plans and purposes can't match what God has planned for you. It does not matter what others have said, where you come from, your amount or lack of education, or your past. God has a future for you and that first step on that road can begin today. I am evidence of that. I grew up in a single parent household. No one in my family had ever gone to college or even talked about it for that matter and I grew up within minutes of Indiana University. My family was just trying to survive. There were no plans for the future and not much hope of being a success. Then one day I decided that that was not what I wanted. I joined the National Guard. I loved being a soldier and it would help pay for college education. I made the decision that I was going to college and that I was going to play college basketball. I sought out schools and talked to the coach. I did those things. I was proud of myself. You see I had achieved. I had arrived; in my own mind. I grew up without and I was determined that I was going to get my portion of what was out there. When I graduated I was ready. I was armed and dangerous. I didn't know it! But I didn't really have anywhere to go. Once again I was isolated. But during that time is when my mother and step father began ministering to me. Jesus came into my life and gave me a hope and future. I have a path laid before me. Is it easy? No! But I lean not unto my own understanding. I just trust in the Lord and do whatever He tells me to do. The business I have is a blessing but when the Lord led me to start it I made $2500 the first year. It has not been easy but the business has grown every year and I not only have direction from Father God but I have a clear vision of what He wants me to do. And that vision will come to pass. It will speak and testify of what God has done and is doing for me. God is real and I can testify to His goodness. (1) At this time I encourage you take the step to receive Jesus as Your Lord and Savior. (2) If you know Jesus as Lord and Savior but you have been away from Him for awhile it is time to come home. (3) If Jesus is your Lord but you need more direction in your life with power to back it up then now is the time to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (with the evidence of speaking in other tongues). If any of the three statements above apply to you then I encourage you to follow the directions below and make the decision today to better your life. If you have questions or you would like to talk to someone please feel free to contact me at tsowders@fundamentalsbasketball.com God Bless. (1),(2) God is a good God and He loves us so much that He sent His only son Jesus to die for us. So what's the Good News? HE LIVES!!! Jesus Christ died and rose again to bring us back into relationship with God the Father. The Bible says, "...if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9-10) It's that simple. God cares for you so much that He is concerned about every area and every aspect of your life. We recommend that you take this opportunity to read this web site (in fact, it's the most important aspect of our business). Please e-mail us if you would like to discuss this further. We would love the opportunity to share with you more about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (3) God is good and He sent His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, to the earth for every born again believer. There are two prerequisites to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit; First, you must be a born again child of God. You must make Jesus Lord of your life. (If you have not done so then follow the directions in (1) to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior). Secondly, you must ask for the gift. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is a gift. If you are ready to receive the Holy Spirit then I invite you to pray this prayer right now and to receive the Holy Spirit. If you pray with a sincere heart, you will be filled: Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in the
name of Jesus to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Bless God. You are on your way to a better life as you walk with Father God. Listed below are ministries that will help encourage and teach you as you walk with the Lord. If I can be of further assistance please don't hesitate to contact me. If you received Jesus, came back into the family, or your received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit please e-mail me so I can rejoice with you over the good work God is doing in your life. Now go forth in victory glorify God. |
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